Join us

The Iberian Centre for River Restoration is open to everyone’s participation. We wish to have a representation as broad as possible of people and organisations that want to participate or are linked in anyway to river conservation or restoration.

This way, we find interesting the participation in CIREF of Water Authorities, Regional Governments, Ministries, Universities, local authorities, NGO’s, foundations, private companies, experts associations, angling societies, individual members, etc.

Membership advantages

Joining CIREF is more than collaborating on the defence and conservation of fluvial ecosystems and the restoration of their ecological status. It also brings some economic advantages when participating in the activities organised by the Centre.

Members of CIREF will have special discounts in courses, field visits and other events organized from the Centre. These discounts will depend on the membership category.

Besides, members will receive free of charge the newsletters and technical notes edited periodically by CIREF, together with all the information the Centre disseminates referred to river restoration, such as courses, subsidies or publications.

Likewise, as agreed by the partners of the entities SIBICAIL and CIREF, the partners have, for all purposes, the reduced registration fee for the congresses and activities of the three associations.

Membership categories

During the Constitutional Assembly the following membership categories were approved:

  • Regular member: addressed to all those individuals that wish to collaborate with the Centre at a personal level.
  • Founder member: members that chose this category before the end of the Constitutional Assembly.
  • Honourable member: addressed to those individuals that due to their personal value, curriculum, merits, etc. it is decided that the association wants to invite as member. It is free of fees.
  • Corporative member: addressed to public or private entities.

Membership fees

Fees approved by the Constitutional Assembly are as follows:

  • Regular fee: 50 € / year
  • Young fee (younger than 30 years): 30 € / year
  • Senior fee (older than 65 years): 30 € / year
  • Unemployed fee: 30 € / year
  • Corporative fee:
    • Representing up to 10 employees: 100 € / year
    • Representing between 11 and 25 employees: 300 € / year
    • Representing more than 25 employees: 500 € / year

Formulario solicitud alta

Alta socios

Antes de enviar el formulario, te facilitamos la información básica sobre protección de datos:

  • Responsable: Centro Ibérico de Restauración Fluvial
  • Finalidad: Contactar con usted para resolver cualquier cuestion que quiera plantearnos
  • Legitimación: Su consentimiento a través de este formulario.
  • Destinatarios: No tenemos previso ceder sus datos a terceros, salvo por obligación legal.
  • Derechos: Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar, suprimir, portabilidad y oposición a tus datos. Los datos de contacto serán almacenados en nuestros servidor de correo
  • Información adicional: puede consultar Política de Privacidad aquí.
English (UK)