

The challenge of recovering the rivers: resilience for health, natural environment and the impacts of global change

2030 is a key year for the health of the European rivers. The new Law of Nature Restoration, in phase of approval, is aiming to remove river barriers to allow that at least 25,000 km of rivers become free flow rivers by then. Equally, the National Strategy of River Restoration that is being updated now, set the same horizon to achieve results. Moreover, different strategies with objectives to improve the environment by this date are the Spanish Strategy of Bioeconomy (Ministry of Finance and Competitiveness), Agenda 2030 for the Sustainable Development or the Strategic Plan of CIREF 2020-2030.

Rio verde 3
Ilustración azul

Therefore, it is required to think about the way the next seven years are going to be addressed and the role that river restoration is going to undertake in the adaptation to global changes, looking back and applying new knowledge for future challenges. RESTAURARIOS 2030 is going to be the forum in which this thinking tank can be undertaken and the knowledge exchange between people concerned about the health of rivers, as RestaturaRios 2030 will bring together people working on different fields, management, research, fluvial planning, river restoration experts, conservationists, nature conservation volunteers, local groups, communicators, public interested in rivers, etc. There will be people coming from River Basin Oranisations, Government, Regional and Local Administrations, agencies, contractors, Universities, media, NGO’s and different groups from different geographical scales withing the Iberian Peninsula. 

RESTAURARIOS 2023 will be the continuations of I Conference held in Leon 2011, II Conference held in Pamplona 2015 and the II Conference held in Murcia 2019. The purpose of these Conferences is to provide a forum, communicate and discuss between the different entities and groups involved in river restoration.


The team of the Conference, RestauraRios 2023 is formed by different Committees: Organiser, Scientific and Honour formed by interdisciplinary experts of river restoration coming from public and private sectors and NGO’s.

English (UK)