Rules for extended text
Once the Scientific Committee has accepted your paper for any of the conference presentation formats (oral, poster or riverpitch), you will have until 30 April 2023 to prepare and submit the extended text of your paper (maximum four pages). This will be published in the Book of Proceedings of RESTAURARIOS 2023 (digital publication with ISBN). All papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be published in the conference proceedings.
Descarga a continuación la plantilla de presentación de la comunicación y las normas con las que se evaluará el documento. Te recomendamos leer detenidamente las normas y seguir las recomendaciones. El Comité Científico-Técnico no aceptará ningún texto que no cumpla con los formatos y normas exigidas.
Types of contributions
As in previous conferences, this event aims to bring all different works linked to river restoration and improvement of fluvial ecosystems undertaken during the last years, covering different aspects: science, technical, administration, education, social, finance, training, etc. There are four types of contributions in three different formats.
Contribution with classical structure: Introduction; Objectives; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusions.
Following this structure: Introduction; Objectives; Description of the methodology, protocol, technic…; Results; Discussion; Conclusions. Contributions from legal, educational, social, administration, NGO’s, etc. entities will be welcome.
Case study:
Following this structure: Introduction; Problem and objectives; Alternatives; Implementation; Results; Lessons learned; Conclusions. These contributions must not only highlight the outcome but also all other aspects and issues in relation with the participation process, project design, etc. and the strategies to resolve them and mitigate them.
Texts that present a relevant reflection about specific themes, identifying issues, constraints, needs, opportunities, etc., and that provide ideas or proposals to resolve or improve the existing state of the question.
Formats of the contributions:
The contributions will be presented taking in the corresponding session. 12 minutes presentations plus 3 minutes for questions and comments.
The posters will be displayed during both days of the Conference in the allocated space. During the breaks, the authors will be able to discuss with the public.
River pitch:
This is a new format consisting in a quick presentation. No more than 2 minutes and NO questions. The idea is that these presentations catch the attention of the public. The presentations can use no more that 2 slides. This river pitch session will be implemented in an informal atmosphere to appeal the attendants.
Dates for diary
15 November 2022- 15 February 2023.
Early-bird fee and submission of abstracts
30 de marzo de 2023.
Deadline for evaluation and approval of abstracts.
31 de marzo al 30 de abril de 2023.
Plazo para enviar la comunicación de su trabajo (oral, póster o river pitch) para su publicación en las actas.
20th June 2023.
Welcome cocktail
21st – 23rd June 2023.
IV Conference RestauraRios